Saturday 18 April 2015

A great Journey with EMBA ~Group A~

Yeay.. it's a great journey to be part of EMBA at UiTM Shah Alam. Never dreams before this to be a student again.. OLD STUDENT!!! I'm so glad to be in the Group A class. Eventhough we are from different fields of job, but we get close easily like a big family. Love this Group A family...

This picture was taken in the semester 2 during site visit to High 5 factory. Felt like we back to the 10 years past as a full time student. There's no feel like OLD STUDENTS... hahaha..

See how we do in our own way to have a fun as matured student :)

Time move so fast, and now we are in the semester 3..  Courses become more difficult and interesting. As i'm not come from the Business Field, MIS 750 makes me feel excited.. One of the subject that i like... MIS 750 lecturer (ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR DR NORZAIDI BIN HAJI MOHD DAUD) make the learning is sooooo interesting and fun. No more stress to come to the class. Enjoy with the way he teach us.. free and easy. 

MIS 750

For more details about our lecturer, you can visit his blogspot below:

Another 2 semester to go for another achievement in my life. Hope i will not give up for my future.. same goes to all my colleague. Go Go EMBA group A........


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